Bruno Estigarribia
Professor of Spanish
Dey 332
(919) 962-2062
Bruno Estigarribia completed his masters in Language Sciences at the Université Paris V-René Descartes-Sorbonne in 2001, with a thesis on children’s acquisition of French and his M.A. in Linguistics at Stanford University in 2005, with a thesis on the syntax of Argentinian Spanish. He obtained his Ph.D. in Linguistics from Stanford University in 2007, with a dissertation investigating the mechanisms whereby children learn the syntax of English questions. From 2007 to 2009, he was a National Institutes of Health T32 Postdoctoral Fellow, working on the language and cognitive development of children with neurodevelopment disabilities and on quantitative analysis and methodology. He continued this work as Research Faculty in the Cognitive Science Program in UNC’s Psychology Department. Now he is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Romance Studies, in the Hispanic Linguistics Program. His current research focuses on characterizing how discourse goals and needs influence syntactic structure in Spanish (especially Argentinian Spanish) and on “jopara”, a wide-spread phenomenon of code-mixing between Paraguayan Spanish and Guaraní. His work has been published in Journal of Language Contact, Linguistic Variation, Signo y Seña, Journal of Child Language, Cognitive Science, Language Learning and Development, Applied Psycholinguistics, Journal of Speech Language, and Hearing Research, Gesture, Topics in Language Disorders, the International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, Selected Proceedings of the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Proceedings of the Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference, and the Proceedings of Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America.