Brazil: A history of change
Speaker: Mimi Stephens
Date: June 11, 2020
Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Join us for the first of two webinars focusing on Brazil. Session One will explore The Choices Program’s curriculum unit Brazil: A History of Change. This curriculum draws students into an often surprising and overlooked history of the largest country in South America by giving students an overview of Brazil's past and tracing its legacies through the present. Session Two (date TBD) will feature an expert from the Duke Brazil Initiative to deepen content knowledge of the country.
Participants who attend the webinar will receive a free digital or print edition of the Brazil: A History of Change curriculum. Space is limited to the first 25 high school teachers who register. CEUs available! Email Corin Zaragoza Estrera to register:
Session one will be led by Mimi Stephens, Director of Professional Development, The Choices Program at Brown University.