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Jonathan Hansen: Fidel Castro and the Problem of Knowledge

Date: September 9, 2019
Time: 6:00pm
Address: Fed Ex Global Education Center, Room 1005, 301 Pittsboro Street, Chapel Hill, NC

Jonathan Hansen is Senior Lecturer on Social Studies and Faculty Associate, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, at Harvard University. An intellectual historian, he is author of The Lost Promise of Patriotism: Debating American Identity, 1890-1920 (Chicago, 2003) and Guantanamo: An American History (Hill and Wang, 2011), along with articles, opeds, and book reviews on U.S. imperialism, nationalism, cosmopolitanism, and race and ethnicity. He recently published a biography of Fidel Castro (YOUNG CASTRO, Simon & Schuster). In recent years, Hansen has taught Social Studies 10 (Introduction to Social Studies), a junior tutorial on "Justice and Reconciliation after Mass Violence," a freshman seminar on PTSD in American history, and (with Robert Mnookin) Harvard Law School seminars on Reconciliation with Cuba and Intractable Conflicts.