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NCLAFF: La Cordillera de los Sueños | The Cordillera of Dreams

Date: October 20, 2019
Time: 7:00pm
Address: Rubenstein Arts Center Film Theater, Duke

Dir. Patricio Guzmán. Chile. 2019. 85 minutes. Spanish with English subtitles

(This screening will be preceded by: Three Decades of Latin American Film Festivals in the U.S.A., a conversation with José A. (Pepe) Vargas, director and founder of the Chicago Latino Film Festival and Sharon Mujica, founder of the North Carolina Latin American Film Festival.)

“In Chile, when the sun rises, it had to climb hills, walls and tops before reaching the last stone of the Cordillera. In my country, the Cordillera is everywhere. But for the Chilean citizens, it is an unknown territory. After going North for Nostalgia for the Light and South for The Pearl Button, I now feel ready to shoot this immense spine to explore its mysteries, powerful revelations of Chile’s past and present history.” ‒ Patricio Guzmán
