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Student Action with Farmworkers Presentation

Date: September 23, 2022
Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
Address: Toy Lounge, 4th floor of Dey Hall

Join us on Friday, September 23rd for a presentation by Student Action with Farmworkers, generously sponsored by the UNC Romance Studies Department and the Institute for the Study of the Americas.


Student Action with Farmworkers is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to bring students and farmworkers together to learn about each other’s lives, share resources and skills, improve conditions for farmworkers, and build diverse coalitions working for social change.

SAF works with farmworkers, students, and advocates in the Southeast and nationwide to create a more just agricultural system. Since 1992, we have engaged thousands of students, farmworker youth, and community members in the farmworker movement.

For more information, please visit the SAF website.

Questions? Please contact Heather Knorr at