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Lars Schoultz, Evelyn Huber, and John Stephens honored with LASA Awards

ISA is pleased to announce important awards conferred on Carolina faculty by the Latin American Studies Association (LASA).

Lars Schoultz (Political Science) is the 2019 recipient of the Kalman Silvert Award. The Silvert award was created in 1982 and has served to recognize senior members of the profession who have made distinguished lifetime contributions to Latin American studies.

Evelyne Huber (Political Science) and John Stephens (Political Science) are the 2019 co-recipients of the Guillermo O’Donnell Democracy Award and Lectureship. The O’Donnell Award recognizes outstanding scholarship in the field of democracy studies and/or particularly meritorious public service dedicated to the promotion of democracy and democratic values in Latin America and the Caribbean.

ISA joins the Carolina community is offering our warmest congratulations to Lars, Evelyne, and John.