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John Bruno

Professor of Biology
  Wilson Hall 335
  (919) 962-1038
Faculty Website

John Bruno is a marine ecologist and Professor in the Department of Biology at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. John grew up on the ocean in south Florida and came to UNC in 2001 after a post doc at Cornell University and a PhD at Brown University where he worked on the ecology of coastal plant communities. His research is focused on marine biodiversity, particularly the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems. Beyond documenting doom-and-gloom, the Bruno lab works on understanding how human activities alter the structure and functioning of marine food web and what local conservation strategies are effective in mitigating these impacts. John works closely with NGOs and congressional staff on legislative issues related to ocean conservation. He is a dedicated science communicator: John blogs at, writes for major news outlets including the Washington Post and New York Times, is an amateur filmmaker, and he gives public talks about ocean critters and marine conservation At UNC John teaches Marine Ecology and Seafood Forensics and co-leads the college's QEP-CURE Program (Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience) that is developing, implementing, and evaluating the effectiveness of innovative and interdisciplinary research courses. Follow John on twitter: @johnfbruno
John Bruno