Platinum Award for Global Learning, Research and Engagement
The University has been named the Platinum winner of the 2021 Institutional Award for Global Learning, Research & Engagement from the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. The Platinum award is APLU’s highest-level award granted to a member institution in recognition of inclusive and comprehensive efforts to internationalize its campus. Carolina received the honor for excellence in all four award categories: inclusivity, internationalization of research and engagement, leadership and pervasiveness and assessment.
Globalizing the University is one of the top priorities in the 2020 strategic plan, Carolina Next: Innovations for Public Good. The plan articulates the Global Guarantee, Carolina’s promise that a global education is available to every student, and commits the university to strengthening global partnerships and research activity across the campus.
Last year, 1,162 students took part in global coursework through the Connecting Carolina Classrooms with the World initiative , which introduced virtual study, research and internship abroad options, as well as Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL). Dozens of faculty members have developed graduate and undergraduate COIL courses across numerous UNC-Chapel Hill schools and departments in the College of Arts & Sciences. Combined with some 600 students who major in global studies, hundreds more who study advanced-level languages or area studies and resumption of study abroad, Carolina is achieving its goal of offering all Carolina students the best possible menu of global learning opportunities.
To read more about this award, visit UNC Global .

Two Carolina students capture scenic views at Isla Lobos, San Cristóbal Island, Ecuador. Photo by Jackson Seymore ’20