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Cinematic Archives Reading Group

Date: October 21, 2019
Time: 5:30pm
Address: 1129 Weaver Dairy Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27514

In preparation of the launching of the book Documentary Filmmaking in Contemporary Brazil. Cinematic Archives of the Present (2019) by Gustavo Furtado (Oxford University Press) the NCLAFF, The Chelsea Theatre, The Duke Brazil Initiative, and Screen Society invite to a fun and intellectually stimulating reading group!!!

*The first 5 people to sign up will get a copy of the book the day of the launching!!! Another 5 books will be giving away the day of the launching.

Participants of the CINEMATIC ARCHIVES Reading Group will meditate and converse on the selected chapters of the book that help us to think through some of the most avant-garde films during the consolidation (or not) of the Brazilian democracy after 1985. Brazil's highly unequal society, witnessed in this period the rise of film and documentary production to unprecedented vitality in quantity, quality, and diversity.

A limited number of copies of each text are available in advance by RSVP to: (Subject CINEMATIC ARCHIVES) | sing until October 4.

Join us on October 21, 5:30 pm at SPECIAL TREATS (next to the Chelsea Theatre), before the launch of Professor Gustavo Furtados’s book to have a lively discussion with the Autor. Followed by a formal presentation of the Book at 7:00pm.

Location: “SPECIAL TREATS” Next to the Chelsea Theatre: Local cinema showing indie & art house films on 3 screens. Timberlyne Shopping Center
Address: 1129 Weaver Dairy Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Check for directions HERE
Time: 5:30pm.
* (Pizza and wine for reading group participants)

(followed by the screenings of:)
Monday. October 21 | Chelsea Theatre Art Cinema, Chapel Hill. Timberlyne Shopping Center
Address: 1129 Weaver Dairy Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 | Check for directions HERE

Mãtãnãg: The Enchanted Woman. Shawara Maxakali & Charles Bicalho. Brazil. 2019. 12 min. (Animation)
Maxakali language with English subtitles.

Introduced by Director Charles Bicalho.

White Out, Black In | Branco Sai, Preto Fica. Adirley Queirós. Brazil. 2015. 89 min.
Portuguese with English subtitles.